Development of SQLite3 database operation details [connection query insert update delete close etc.]

  • 2020-06-12 09:59:19
  • OfStack

This article describes the Python development SQLite3 database operations. To share for your reference, specific as follows:

'''SQLite The database is 1 A very small embedded open source database software, that is 
 There is no separate maintenance process; all maintenance comes from the program itself. 
 in python In the use sqlite3 Creates a connection to the database when the specified database file does not exist 
 The connection object automatically creates the database file; If the database file already exists, the connection object will not be created again 
 Instead, open the database file directly. 
   The connection object can be a database file on the hard disk, or it can be an in-memory, in-memory database 
   After performing any operation, there is no need to commit the transaction (commit)
   Create on hard disk:  conn = sqlite3.connect('c:\\test\\test.db')
   Create above memory:  conn = sqlite3.connect('"memory:')
   Below we 1 Create a database file on the hard disk as an example to specify: 
  conn = sqlite3.connect('c:\\test\\hongten.db')
   Among them conn An object is a database linked object, and for a database linked object, you have the following operations: 
    commit()      -- Transaction commit 
    rollback()     -- Transaction rollback 
    close()       -- Shut down 1 Number of database links 
    cursor()      -- create 1 A cursor 
  cu = conn.cursor()
   So we've created it 1 A cursor object: cu
   in sqlite3 In which all sql Statements are executed with the participation of the cursor object 
   For cursor objects cu , with the following specific operations: 
    execute()      -- perform 1 article sql statements 
    executemany()    -- To perform multiple sql statements 
    close()       -- Cursor is closed 
    fetchone()     -- Take it out of the results 1 records 
    fetchmany()     -- Multiple records are extracted from the results 
    fetchall()     -- Extract all records from the results 
    scroll()      -- The cursor rolling 

Here is the demo I made. In demo, I made a very detailed comment and demonstration of the functions. The details are as follows:

When SHOW_SQL = False:

Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
show_sql : False
 Delete database table tests ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 Delete database tables [student] successful !
 Create database table tests ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 Creating database tables [student] successful !
 Save data test ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
(2, 'Tom', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(3, 'Jake', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87')
(4, 'Cate', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')
 The query 1 The data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
 Update the data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
(1, 'HongtenAA', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
(2, 'HongtenBB', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(3, 'HongtenCC', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87')
(4, 'HongtenDD', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')
 Delete the data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
(2, 'HongtenBB', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(4, 'HongtenDD', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')

When SHOW_SQL = True:

Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
show_sql : True
 Delete database table tests ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[DROP TABLE IF EXISTS student]
 Delete database tables [student] successful !
 Create database table tests ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[CREATE TABLE `student` (
             `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
             `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
             `gender` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
             `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
             `address` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
             `phone` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
              PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 Creating database tables [student] successful !
 Save data test ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[INSERT INTO student values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)], parameter :[(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')]
 perform sql:[INSERT INTO student values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)], parameter :[(2, 'Tom', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')]
 perform sql:[INSERT INTO student values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)], parameter :[(3, 'Jake', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87')]
 perform sql:[INSERT INTO student values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)], parameter :[(4, 'Cate', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[SELECT * FROM student]
(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
(2, 'Tom', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(3, 'Jake', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87')
(4, 'Cate', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')
 The query 1 The data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[SELECT * FROM student WHERE ID = ? ], parameter :[1]
(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
 Update the data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[UPDATE student SET name = ? WHERE ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenAA', 1)]
 perform sql:[UPDATE student SET name = ? WHERE ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenBB', 2)]
 perform sql:[UPDATE student SET name = ? WHERE ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenCC', 3)]
 perform sql:[UPDATE student SET name = ? WHERE ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenDD', 4)]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[SELECT * FROM student]
(1, 'HongtenAA', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62')
(2, 'HongtenBB', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(3, 'HongtenCC', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87')
(4, 'HongtenDD', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')
 Delete the data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[DELETE FROM student WHERE NAME = ? AND ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenAA', 1)]
 perform sql:[DELETE FROM student WHERE NAME = ? AND ID = ? ], parameter :[('HongtenCC', 3)]
 Query all data ...
 Hard drive :[c:\test\hongten.db]
 perform sql:[SELECT * FROM student]
(2, 'HongtenBB', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63')
(4, 'HongtenDD', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')

Specific code:

#python sqlite
#Author : Hongten
#Create : 2013-08-09
#Version: 1.0
#DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases
import sqlite3
import os
'''SQLite The database is 1 A very small embedded open source database software, that is 
 There is no separate maintenance process; all maintenance comes from the program itself. 
 in python In the use sqlite3 Creates a connection to the database when the specified database file does not exist 
 The connection object automatically creates the database file; If the database file already exists, the connection object will not be created again 
 Instead, open the database file directly. 
   The connection object can be a database file on the hard disk, or it can be an in-memory, in-memory database 
   After performing any operation, there is no need to commit the transaction (commit)
   Create on hard disk:  conn = sqlite3.connect('c:\\test\\test.db')
   Create above memory:  conn = sqlite3.connect('"memory:')
   Below we 1 Create a database file on the hard disk as an example to specify: 
  conn = sqlite3.connect('c:\\test\\hongten.db')
   Among them conn An object is a database linked object, and for a database linked object, you have the following operations: 
    commit()      -- Transaction commit 
    rollback()     -- Transaction rollback 
    close()       -- Shut down 1 Number of database links 
    cursor()      -- create 1 A cursor 
  cu = conn.cursor()
   So we've created it 1 A cursor object: cu
   in sqlite3 In which all sql Statements are executed with the participation of the cursor object 
   For cursor objects cu , with the following specific operations: 
    execute()      -- perform 1 article sql statements 
    executemany()    -- To perform multiple sql statements 
    close()       -- Cursor is closed 
    fetchone()     -- Take it out of the results 1 records 
    fetchmany()     -- Multiple records are extracted from the results 
    fetchall()     -- Extract all records from the results 
    scroll()      -- The cursor rolling 
#global var
# Database file terminative path 
# The name of the table 
# Whether or not to print sql
def get_conn(path):
  ''' Gets the connection object to the database as the absolute path to the database file 
   If the passed parameter exists and is a file, then go back to the hard disk 
   The connection object of the database file under the path; Otherwise, it returns a data connection in memory 
   Connection object '''
  conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
  if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isfile(path):
    print(' Hard drive :[{}]'.format(path))
    return conn
    conn = None
    print(' On the memory :[:memory:]')
    return sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
def get_cursor(conn):
  ''' The method is to get the cursor object of the database, the parameter is the connection object of the database 
   If the database connection object is not None , returns the database connection object created 
   Create a cursor object; Otherwise returns 1 A cursor object, which is data in memory 
   The cursor object created by the library connection object '''
  if conn is not None:
    return conn.cursor()
    return get_conn('').cursor()
####       create | Delete table operation    START
def drop_table(conn, table):
  ''' If the table exists , Delete the table and use it if data exists in the table 
   Be careful with your methods! '''
  if table is not None and table != '':
    sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + table
    if SHOW_SQL:
      print(' perform sql:[{}]'.format(sql))
    cu = get_cursor(conn)
    print(' Delete database tables [{}] successful !'.format(table))
    close_all(conn, cu)
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
def create_table(conn, sql):
  ''' Create database tables: student'''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    cu = get_cursor(conn)
    if SHOW_SQL:
      print(' perform sql:[{}]'.format(sql))
    print(' Creating database tables [student] successful !')
    close_all(conn, cu)
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
####       create | Delete table operation    END
def close_all(conn, cu):
  ''' Close the database cursor object and the database connection object '''
    if cu is not None:
    if cu is not None:
####       Database operation CRUD   START
def save(conn, sql, data):
  ''' Insert data '''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    if data is not None:
      cu = get_cursor(conn)
      for d in data:
        if SHOW_SQL:
          print(' perform sql:[{}], parameter :[{}]'.format(sql, d))
        cu.execute(sql, d)
      close_all(conn, cu)
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
def fetchall(conn, sql):
  ''' Query all data '''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    cu = get_cursor(conn)
    if SHOW_SQL:
      print(' perform sql:[{}]'.format(sql))
    r = cu.fetchall()
    if len(r) > 0:
      for e in range(len(r)):
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql)) 
def fetchone(conn, sql, data):
  ''' The query 1 The data '''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    if data is not None:
      #Do this instead
      d = (data,) 
      cu = get_cursor(conn)
      if SHOW_SQL:
        print(' perform sql:[{}], parameter :[{}]'.format(sql, data))
      cu.execute(sql, d)
      r = cu.fetchall()
      if len(r) > 0:
        for e in range(len(r)):
      print('the [{}] equal None!'.format(data))
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
def update(conn, sql, data):
  ''' Update the data '''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    if data is not None:
      cu = get_cursor(conn)
      for d in data:
        if SHOW_SQL:
          print(' perform sql:[{}], parameter :[{}]'.format(sql, d))
        cu.execute(sql, d)
      close_all(conn, cu)
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
def delete(conn, sql, data):
  ''' Delete the data '''
  if sql is not None and sql != '':
    if data is not None:
      cu = get_cursor(conn)
      for d in data:
        if SHOW_SQL:
          print(' perform sql:[{}], parameter :[{}]'.format(sql, d))
        cu.execute(sql, d)
      close_all(conn, cu)
    print('the [{}] is empty or equal None!'.format(sql))
####       Database operation CRUD   END
####       The test operation    START
def drop_table_test():
  ''' Delete database table tests '''
  print(' Delete database table tests ...')
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  drop_table(conn, TABLE_NAME)
def create_table_test():
  ''' Create database table tests '''
  print(' Create database table tests ...')
  create_table_sql = '''CREATE TABLE `student` (
             `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
             `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
             `gender` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
             `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
             `address` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
             `phone` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
              PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  create_table(conn, create_table_sql)
def save_test():
  ''' Save data test ...'''
  print(' Save data test ...')
  save_sql = '''INSERT INTO student values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'''
  data = [(1, 'Hongten', ' male ', 20, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '13423****62'),
      (2, 'Tom', ' male ', 22, ' San Francisco, USA ', '15423****63'),
      (3, 'Jake', ' female ', 18, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '18823****87'),
      (4, 'Cate', ' female ', 21, ' Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province ', '14323****32')]
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  save(conn, save_sql, data)
def fetchall_test():
  ''' Query all data ...'''
  print(' Query all data ...')
  fetchall_sql = '''SELECT * FROM student'''
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  fetchall(conn, fetchall_sql)
def fetchone_test():
  ''' The query 1 The data ...'''
  print(' The query 1 The data ...')
  fetchone_sql = 'SELECT * FROM student WHERE ID = ? '
  data = 1
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  fetchone(conn, fetchone_sql, data)
def update_test():
  ''' Update the data ...'''
  print(' Update the data ...')
  update_sql = 'UPDATE student SET name = ? WHERE ID = ? '
  data = [('HongtenAA', 1),
      ('HongtenBB', 2),
      ('HongtenCC', 3),
      ('HongtenDD', 4)]
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  update(conn, update_sql, data)
def delete_test():
  ''' Delete the data ...'''
  print(' Delete the data ...')
  delete_sql = 'DELETE FROM student WHERE NAME = ? AND ID = ? '
  data = [('HongtenAA', 1),
      ('HongtenCC', 3)]
  conn = get_conn(DB_FILE_PATH)
  delete(conn, delete_sql, data)
####       The test operation    END
def init():
  ''' Initialization method '''
  # Database file terminative path 
  global DB_FILE_PATH
  DB_FILE_PATH = 'c:\\test\\hongten.db'
  # Database table name 
  global TABLE_NAME
  TABLE_NAME = 'student'
  # Whether or not to print sql
  global SHOW_SQL
  SHOW_SQL = True
  print('show_sql : {}'.format(SHOW_SQL))
  # If a database table exists, the table is deleted 
  # Creating database tables student
  # Inserts data into the database table 
def main():
  print('#' * 50)
  print('#' * 50)
  print('#' * 50)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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I hope this article has been helpful in Python programming.

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